
2019年9月7日 in 原产地证代理

►与世界著名的船务公司多年合作并建立起的良好关系,是为您提供最有效率的运输、最低廉运价的强力保证!我们为客户提供租船订舱、缮制单据、船期预告、运价查询、代理保险、铁路、公路中转运输、海外网络等相关的进出口运输服务,为海外客户与国内客户提供网络服务,包括指定货的操作安排与运费的收付以及内陆延伸服务。 International freight forwarding company | Logistics forwarder

As international freight forwarder PRIME CARGO does not just transport your goods from point A to point B. We build a bridge between you and your customers.

Prime Cargo is an international forwarding company and we offer tailored freight, warehousing and logistics solutions to both small and large companies. We take pride in taking an active responsibility for your value chain and always provide the optimal logistic solutions that ensures that your company delivers the goods to the customers prime time, every time.

Are you looking for a professional and committed logistics partner who understands your business and attaches importance to value creation, flexibility and reliability? Join us for an informal chat so we can figure out what we can do for your business主要涉及的业务国际进出口货运代理,国际快件、国内空运、国内陆运、包装、仓储。前身是2003年成立于北京从事国内物流业务的北京亿世通货物运输有限公司。 我司在为SCHENKER、DSV、TNT、航运佳、雷诺斯、瑞尔国际、新时代国际运输服务有限公司等多家知名国际国内第三方物流服务的基础上,经过十几年的不断发展,公司凭借强大的信息和网络平台,在全国各省市创建了现代货物运输网络,能够帮助客户实现货物在全国各地间畅通无阻的运输服务。 我司又于2013年上线了运输管理系统,能够向广大客户提供电子下单,货物在线的时时在途运输状态查询。
