
2016年4月10日 in 新闻专递
freight agreement with many shipping companies by virtue of the world’s three famous ports—Hong Kong Port, Shenzhen Port and Guangzhou Port. PIF makes e-commerce cooperation with many ship-owners, and realizes online electronic shipping space booking, freight track, ship schedule check, cargo space reservation, confirmation, preplanning and bill lading. PIF provides customers with various ship-owner options and flexible schedule by virtue of the advanced e-commerce technology and extensive agreement rate.

1. Full Container Load (FCL): By virtue of the intensive liner of the three international ports—Hong Kong Port, Shenzhen Port and Guangzhou Port as well as inland trailer, Sino-Hong Kong bulk truck and barge docking, we can provide flexible choices including different shipping ports such as Chiwan, Yantian, Huangpu and Hong Kong, different shipping companies such as WANHAI, CHINA SHIPPING, CMA, NORASIA, P&O, KMTC, MAERSK, COSCO, PIL, MSC, etc. and different customs clearance dates from Monday to Sunday no matter how urgent is the shipping date.公司合作伙伴遍布全球200多个国家和地区,为多样化的客户群体提供专业一流的货运解决方案,努力打造货运行业的第一品牌,立志发展成为一家最具规模及备受推崇的国际知名综合物流服务商。分拣理货中心位于深圳市宝安国际机场,交通便利,地理条件得天独厚, 24小时不间断货物处理能力,极大的满足了客户的各种需求。航阳国际物流立足深圳特区,积极向华东、华南地区拓展,与世界各大洲主要国家的邮政及代理商深度合作,稳步构建完善的物流网络。为满足国内外客户的需求,航阳国际物流锐意进取,不断创新,12年底注资500万,在公司内部培养一批中流砥柱,同时从其它行业吸收精英以满足业务高速发展及服务需要。我们的目标是实现网络资源共享,客户资源共享,信息技术共享,通过全网建设达到规模效率,实现品牌效益,逐步发展成为一支可以满足各层次客户需求的行业知名的第三方物流企业。
