
2016年2月23日 in 空运快递
因为货物损失或延误发生索赔,应在什么时间内提出索赔 ?
1 、 应由航空货运单上的托运人或收货人在下列期限内以书面形式向航空快递提出。
2 、 提货时发现货物有明显损失或部分损失、丢失,应当场向航空公司开据事故签证,在货物收到3日内提出索赔,如参加保险则在24小时之内向保险公司提出申请。
3 、 延误运输的货物自货物处置权交给指定收货人之日起 10 日内提出。
4 、 收货人提不到货物,自航空货运单填开之日起 30 日内提出。
5 、 过期由客户自己处理 , 我司不承担任何责任 .
六、托运贵重物品时,应注意些什么 ?
1 、 贵重物品应当用坚固、严密的包装箱包装,外加“ # ”字型金属包装带,接缝处必须有封条标志。
2 、 托运人托运贵重物品应预先订妥航班、日期。 Since the opening of our company, we have been keeping the principles of “honesty, professionalism, safety and high efficiency”, which are the key factors that lead to our success. In our view, “honesty” means that we treat our customers as our family members, we always tell them the truth; “Professionalism” means that we only hire well-trained and experienced employees for key positions, and they always handle your cases with professional skill; “Safety” means that we regard the safety of your shipments as our first priority above anything else, we always make every effort to ensure that your shipments will be delivered safely in good condition; “High efficiency” means that we can handle your cases and solve your problems more quickly than you expect. We pursue these ideas all the time, and try our best to thoughtfully meet our customers’ personalized needs.
